What are the symptoms of vitamin A deficiency
2019-10-27 18:03

Vitamin A helps strengthen the body's immunity against infection and keeps the eyes and skin moist. It plays an important role in ensuring the health of the eyes and bone development. What are the symptoms of vitamin A deficiency? Let's get to know each other.

1. Eye manifestations: night blindness or unclear vision in dark light first appeared, and began to appear xerophthalmia after several weeks. The appearance of conjunctiva and cornea were dry, tarnished, itchy, and tears were reduced. Common hand rubbing of the eye can lead to infection. Serious corneal ulcer, necrosis, perforation, even blindness.

2. Skin performance: at the beginning, the skin is only dry, easy to desquamate, itchy, gradually to epithelial keratosis and hyperplasia, sweat is reduced, keratosis is filled with hair follicles to form a hair follicle papule (i.e. smallpox). When touching the skin, there will be coarse sand like feeling, most of which are limb extension and shoulder, easy to depilate, brittle fingernails and multiple wrinkles.

3. Growth and development disorders: in severe deficiency, the height is backward, tooth enamel is easy to peel off, lose luster, and caries is easy to occur.

4. Increased susceptibility to infection: mainly manifested as recurrent respiratory and digestive tract infections, which are easy to migrate and not heal, especially in children over 6 months and under 2 years old.

5. Anemia: in case of vitamin A deficiency, there will be increased iron storage, decreased iron in peripheral blood serum, similar to iron deficiency anemia.

The above is about the lack of vitamin A symptoms related content, I believe it will help you. Vitamin A deficiency can cause dry eyes, so we should pay attention to a balanced diet in our daily life.

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