What are the benefits of eating red beans in autumn and winter? What are the effects of eating red beans in autumn and winter
2021-08-03 21:17

The weather is getting cooler. What should I eat in autumn and winter? What are the benefits of eating red beans in autumn and winter? What effect does red bean have in autumn and winter?

Effect of eating red beans in autumn and winter

1. Eliminate edema

In addition to being rich in potassium, the saponin contained in its outer skin also has a strong diuretic effect, which can well improve the edema of the face and feet caused by beriberi and the decline of renal function. Therefore, red beans must be used to treat edema.

2. Dispel dampness and clear away heat

Water cannot flow with Qi and blood, and stays between human cells, making the human body expand rapidly. Red bean is rich in B vitamins and iron, as well as protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, niacin and other components, which has the effects of clearing heat, diuresis, dampness and detoxification.



3. Nourishing the heart and blood

In ancient times, Li Shizhen called red beans "the valley of the heart", emphasizing the heart nourishing effect of red beans. Red beans can not only clear the heart fire, but also replenish the heart blood. It is rich in crude fiber, which can help reduce blood lipid, blood pressure and improve cardiac function; At the same time, it is rich in iron, which can replenish qi and blood. It is very suitable for hard work. Let your hands and feet not be cold in winter.

4. Strengthen the spleen and stomach

The digestion capacity of spleen and stomach is relatively strong and the absorption is good. Therefore, people with weak health should step up tonic in winter and do a good job in nutritional reserves for the coming year. Only in the coming year will they have good energy, strong strength and won't get sick. Red bean, known as "red bean" in traditional Chinese medicine, also has obvious spleen and stomach strengthening effect.



5. Weight loss effect

Eating more red beans can prevent and treat foot swelling and has the effect of weight loss. Its alkaloid can increase gastrointestinal peristalsis, reduce constipation, promote urination, and eliminate edema caused by heart or kidney disease. For everyone to lose weight, what you want to lose is just the legs and waist. Eating red beans to lose weight can make your thighs and waist have a very obvious curve and slim effect.

Recipe for eating red beans in autumn and winter

1. Red bean and white gourd tea

Practice: 200g red beans, 100g white gourd, a little salt. Soak the red beans for half an hour, add them to 1000cc boiled water, dice the white gourd, and then cook them with the red beans for about 30 minutes. Just cook the red beans, and then turn off the fire. Cover it for ten minutes, and then add a little salt. Drink daily after meals and eat for at least two weeks.

Efficacy: eliminate systemic edema.



2. Red bean and jujube soup

Practice: 100g red beans, 10 jujubes and 1500g water. Clean the red beans and soak them for about 30 minutes; After cleaning the jujube, add it to red bean water, boil it over high fire, and then boil it over low fire until the red bean is mature. Then you can eat.

Efficacy: nourishing and strengthening, strengthening spleen and stomach, tonifying middle Qi, nourishing blood and calming nerves, promoting water and detoxification.

3. Red bean and purple rice soup

Practice: wash and soak 20 grams of red beans and purple rice overnight, pour out the soaked water, add new water to cook, and then cook over a low fire until cooked. Eat more red beans in autumn. When eating, add an appropriate amount of honey.

Efficacy: red bean itself has diuretic effect and helps to improve edema. It has high carbohydrate content and can be used as daily food. However, purple rice is less digestible and should not be eaten too much at one time.



4. Red and green Lily soup

Practice: soak 20 grams of mung beans, red beans and lilies for half an hour, boil them over high fire, change to slow fire until the beans are cooked, add an appropriate amount of sugar or salt, and eat salty and sweet food.

Efficacy: the vitamins contained in mung beans help to dilute melanin; Red beans can clear away heat and detoxify; Lily can moisturize the skin.

5. Red bean and job's tears soup

Practice: wash and soak 20g of raw job's tears and 30g of red beans for about half a day, drain and set aside. Boil job's tears with water until half soft, add red beans to cook, and then add rock sugar. Turn off the fire after dissolving, and let it cool before eating.

Efficacy: this soup can help to maintain beauty, replenish qi and blood, promote water and reduce swelling. Red bean can replenish qi and blood, promote water and reduce swelling; Job's tears can strengthen the spleen and water, clear away heat and discharge pus.



6. Red bean black rice porridge

Method: appropriate amount of red beans, black rice and white granulated sugar. Wash red beans and black rice and soak in water for more than 5 hours. Pour out the soaked water, put black rice, red beans and an appropriate amount of cold water into the pot, boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook until cooked, add sugar.

Efficacy: promoting blood circulation and beauty.

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