Tonic For Children In Spring Let’s Make Egg Sausage with Spinach and Carrot
2024-06-19 09:58
Supplementing nutrition to children in spring can not be separated from the so-called egg sausage with spinach and carrot, but it becomes harmful to the body if you eat it improperly. Spinach is a common vegetable seen in the market. Eating more of such dish in spring could do great favor for the growth of children.
Spinach is rich in carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin K, minerals (calcium, iron, etc.), coenzyme Q10 and other nutrients.
Ingredients Consumption
Carrot 100 g
egg 300 g
Spinach 50 g
Prepare all the materials, and mix the starch with water.
Stir eggs and carrots for later use
Spinach, boiled and chopped.
Put water starch and spinach in the container of eggs and carrots, and then add an appropriate amount of salt according to your taste. If it is for children, you can add less salt.
Put the stirred material into the mold and steam for 20 minutes.
Finish steaming then put it on a plate, the nutritious spinach and egg sausage is completed
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