What are the symptoms of iodine deficiency?
2019-10-25 18:03

Iodine is one of the essential elements in our body, which has a great effect on our metabolism and body development. When our body is short of iodine, how can we realize it? Let's learn about the symptoms of iodine deficiency today.

When pregnant women are pregnant, if they lack iodine in their bodies, their babies are likely to lack iodine. If so, it is likely to cause miscarriage, stillbirth, congenital malformations, etc. in addition, the fetal mortality in the perinatal and infant period will also increase accordingly.

2. If infants lack iodine, they are easy to suffer from endemic cretinism (which can directly affect the development of brain tissue and bone), and may also lead to the development of neuromotor function, hypothyroidism and other symptoms.

3. In the neonatal period, if there is iodine deficiency, the thyroid function of the newborn will also decrease, which will lead to neonatal goiter, etc.

IV. if the iodine element in the body is not enough in childhood and adolescence, it will easily lead to goiter, hypothyroidism in adolescence, subclinical cretinism, mental retardation, physical retardation, simple deaf mute and other symptoms.

5. In adulthood, iodine deficiency can also cause various diseases, such as goiter and its complications, hypothyroidism, mental disorders, iodine induced hyperthyroidism, etc.

The above is about the iodine deficiency symptoms related content, I hope to help you. It can be seen from the article that people of different ages and genders will have different symptoms, but most of them will have thyroid problems, so we must pay attention to supplement when lacking iodine.

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