Symptoms of iodine excess what are the manifestations of iodine excess
2019-10-25 18:03

We often hear that iodine is an indispensable element in human body. But if there are too many elements, it will hurt people. Therefore, when adding iodine, we should pay attention to moderation. What are the symptoms of iodine excess? Let's get to know.

When there is too much iodine, excessive iodine will inhibit the thyroid function, causing a false appearance when there is insufficient iodine, and the brain will produce too much thyrotropin secretion, which will make the thyroid hyperplasia and enlargement again. Therefore, our daily intake of iodine must be maintained in the scope of adaptation, neither more nor less, to ensure basic health. In the past, we were worried about "iodine deficiency", so the country advocated the iodine salt intake for decades. However, after more than half a century of talk about "iodine deficiency", now it's overkill. It's time to worry about "iodine excess".

The main pathological changes caused by excessive iodine are HYPERIODIC hyperthyroidism, that is, HYPERIODIC hyperthyroidism. Thyroid hormone promotes cell metabolism and ensures cell energy supply. However, too high thyroid hormone will cause excessive cell consumption and high metabolism for a certain period of time, which will lead to cell overload and damage. This kind of hyperthyroidism's main performance is "light eats not long". Eating more, losing weight, being afraid of heat and sweating, insomnia, irritability and other symptoms are the embodiment of the body's large consumption. After the operation of high load, cardiomyocytes gradually wear out, causing palpitation, fatigue after exertion, and finally heart failure.

In recent years, it has been found that if you exceed the standard, your intelligence level will also be affected. The intelligence of adolescents in the high iodine intake area is significantly lower than that in the normal area. In the past, "iodine" was called "intelligence element". However, this research is like a spring thunder. Let's look at the entanglement of iodine again. Iodine deficiency can lead to mental retardation, and iodine excess can also lead to mental decline. It seems that when we ingest iodine, we must be careful, not less.

At the same time, studies have found that the decrease of sperm motility caused by high iodine intake leads to infertility, suggesting that high iodine is still an obstacle to the continuation of human generations. So when you are going to eat kelp, please think more.

The above is about iodine excess symptoms related content, hope to help you. Iodine is a very important element for us, but it must not be excessive, otherwise it is easy to bring harm to our body, especially thyroid.

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