Pregnant men should stay away from eight kinds of spermicidal food
2020-01-10 20:43

Pregnant men should stay away from 8 kinds of spermicidal food

The quality of semen has a direct impact on fertility, so it is very necessary for couples with fertility requirements to ensure the quality of semen. In fact, many behaviors in daily life will affect the semen quality, such as tofu, seafood, barbecue, etc., which we often eat, have the effect of spermicidal. For men preparing for pregnancy, these foods must be paid attention to.

Spermicidal food 1: Tofu

Men who like bean curd should be careful. According to a recent study by Harvard University School of public health, a number of media in the United States recently reported that if you eat soy products every day, the number of sperm in men will drop significantly. The study was conducted by Dr. George chavalo of the Harvard School of public health. From 2000 to 2006, researchers followed 99 men.

The results are surprising: men who eat soy products every day have 41 million sperm per milliliter of semen, significantly lower than those who eat less soy products. It is understood that less than 20 million sperms per milliliter of semen belong to low sperm concentration, which is easy to infertility. In addition, the association was more pronounced in obese men. According to chavalo, soy products have adverse effects on male reproductive system, especially sperm production.

Spermicidal food 2: Seafood

A test of mercury in the hair of infertile men in Hong Kong found that the mercury content in the hair of infertile men who ate four times a week or eat fresh meals in Shanghai was nearly 40% higher than that of men with normal fertility. Some reproductive medicine experts remind men that eating seafood should be enough. Mercury will not only affect sperm activity and quantity, but also damage the body if it accumulates in the body for a long time.

The study found that if sterile men eat seafood meals with fish, shrimp and crab as the main course four times a week, the mercury content in their hair is 5.38ppm, nearly 40% higher than that of men with normal fertility, while the average mercury content in the hair of vegetarian men is only 0.38ppm. The president of the Hong Kong Society of reproductive medicine pointed out that it is not sure how mercury causes infertility, but believed that there is a relationship between the two. It is estimated that mercury can affect sperm motility and reduce sperm quantity. Therefore, it is suggested that men with infertility should eat less fish and seafood with high mercury content.

Spermicidal food 3: milk tea

At present, pearl milk tea in the market is made of cream, pigment, essence and tapioca powder (pearl in milk tea) and tap water. Hydrogenated vegetable oil, the main component of milk essence, is a trans fatty acid. Trans fatty acids can reduce the secretion of male hormones, have a negative impact on sperm activity, and interrupt the sperm reaction process in the body.

Spermicidal food 4: Beer

If you have already suffered from kidney diseases, and drink a large amount of beer without restriction, it will lead to the deposition of uric acid, which will lead to renal tubular obstruction and renal failure. If there is a problem with the kidney during the blood test, I'm afraid that the renal function has been damaged at this time. Instead of waiting for the blood test to understand the kidney, it's better to have a regular urine test at ordinary times, because urine test is the most simple and quick way to understand the kidney.

Spermicidal food 5: Celery

As a kind of health vegetable with good medicinal value, its antihypertensive effect is also well known. Celery is a kind of vegetable with rich nutrition, health care and medicinal value.

However, it is reported that foreign doctors have found through experiments that men who eat more celery will inhibit the production of testosterone, which has spermicidal effect and will reduce the number of sperm. After the healthy and fertile young men eat celery for several days, the sperm volume will be significantly reduced or even difficult to conceive, which will return to normal a few months after stopping.

Spermicidal food 6: pork loin

Many people like to eat animal offal, especially when eating barbecue, "kidney" is becoming a favorite of many men. Recently, doctors in Taiwan have warned: eat viscera to nourish the body, and be careful of the heavy metal "cadmium" damage to sperm and sterility. Liver, viscera, pig testicles, people who want to "eat what they need to make up what they want" should be careful, because if they eat too much, they will not only be able to make up the body, but also be infertile.

According to the latest research in Taiwan, it is found that there are different contents of heavy metal cadmium in the liver and kidney of pigs, cattle and sheep. People eat cadmium into their stomachs at the same time of supplement, which is likely to cause infertility. If they are smokers themselves, the probability of infertility is as high as 60%.

Spermicidal food 7: Coffee

The reason why coffee is refreshing is that it contains caffeine which stimulates the sympathetic nerve. Sympathetic nerves control all activities of the day. When stimulated, people will be refreshed and energetic.

Parasympathetic nerve is specialized in the physiological and erectile activities related to sex at night. It belongs to the relationship between the surface and the inside. When the sympathetic activity is frequent, the relatively weak parasympathetic nerve will be depressed, and the clinical manifestation is the decrease of sexual desire.

Spermicidal food 8: fried chicken and barbecue

The man that likes to eat barbecue in summer has noticed, expert points out, the starch kind food that barbecue and fry contains carcinogenic poison acrylamide, can cause male little, weak essence. In addition, cadmium and pesticide residues are toxic to sperm.

It has been found that the decrease of sperm motility in oligospermia patients is related to the lack of zinc. Therefore, eating more oysters, shrimp skin, animal liver, laver, sesame, peanuts, beans and other zinc rich foods can ensure that the "energy" is abundant.

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