What should we pay attention to in spring sports? Don't touch these points
2021-08-03 18:37


  motionHealth preservation is a highly respected way of health preservation since ancient times, especially inspring, suitable temperature is a good time for outdoor sports, but there are also some matters to pay attention to during sports. Don't exercise blindly, otherwise not only can't achieve the effect of sports, but also accidents may occur.

Benefits of exercise regimen


Daily moderatemotionExercise can promote blood circulation, improve the nutritional status of the brain, promote the metabolism of brain cells, and give full play to the function of the brain, which is beneficial to the health of the nervous system and helps to maintain vigorous energy and stable mood.

Moderate exercise can also make the myocardium developed, contract effectively, promote blood circulation, enhance the vitality of the heart and the respiratory function of the lungs. It can promote and improve the blood circulation of organs in the body, is conducive to the physiological function of organs, and can also improve the immune function and endocrine function of the body, so as to make the vitality of the human body more vigorous.

What should spring sports pay attention to


1. Keep warm during exercise and don't expose too much, especiallyknee, ankle and other joints.

2. Don't do morning exercises too early,springThe temperature difference between morning and evening is large, and it is easy to get cold, so we should pay attention to it.

  3. motionDon't take off your clothes at will to prevent illness.

4. Exercise the whole body

5. Stick to it. If you can't exercise outdoors because of the weather or other reasons, you can exercise indoors. You'd better stick to it without interruption.

6. The amount of exercise should not be increased at once, but should be added one by one according to their own physical condition.

7. Choose the appropriate exercise time.

8. Do not exercise immediately after meals. Pay attention to a reasonable and balanced diet during exercise.

What are the health exercises suitable for spring

1. Walking

Walking is the simplest, most convenient, most economical and most suitable for peoplespringAn outdoormotion。 Walking can enhance physique, balance mentality, and make the functions of various systems of the whole body more coordinated, especially suitable forold agePeople.

2. Jogging

Jogging is a kind of moderate aerobic exercise. Jogging is very important for keeping fitMiddle aged and elderlyPeople have good heart function, prevent the decline of lung tissue elasticity and prevent muscle atrophy. At the same time, it is also a good fat reducing exercise for young people.

3. Stretch

Stretching is a self-exercise method to stretch the waist, move muscles and bones and relax the spine, because it can draw most of the muscle contraction. Therefore, although it is only a few seconds, it can promote blood circulation and muscle movement, relax and keep happy.

4. Fly a kite

Spring is especially suitable for outdoor sports, and flying kites can not only exercise, but also relax. It is a particularly good thing to get laughter while exercising, especially for a family.

5. Outing

In spring, peach blossoms and willows are green, and the air in the suburbs is also very good. You can go on an outing with three or five friends. You can not only see the beautiful scenery, but also help your body and mind. It is also a good way to keep healthy in spring.

6. Mountaineering

As an outdoor sport, mountaineering can not only exercise people's perseverance, but also enhance lung vitality and improve human balance. At the same time, mountaineering can also relieve pressure and pleasure.

What sports are suitable for the elderly in spring

  1. Tai Chi

Tai Chi is gentle and can coordinate the cooperation of various parts of the bodyold ageIt's a good for peoplemotionWay.

2. Walk fast

Walking fast in the park can not only exercise your heart and lungs, but also enjoy the autumn scenery. Moreover, walking fast consumes more energy and will not cause too much pressure on your joints.

3. Jogging

If you like to exercise alone, jogging is a good choice,springIt's refreshing and pleasant. It's a good time for jogging.

4. Close your eyes and practice balance

Close your eyes and try to keep your body balanced. The brain relies on information from limb muscles and joints to coordinate all parts of the body, which can exercise the brain and prevent dementia.

5. Bicycle

Cycling has little pressure on joints, but energy consumption and endurance exercise are good.

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