Daily Dishes Suitable for the Three-high Population in Spring—Roasted Tofu with Chestnuts
2024-06-25 09:57
Chestnut tofu is a typical home-made tofu dish that enjoys popularity among the public. It also serves as a famous dish. This dish uses chestnuts and tofu as the main ingredients, and winter bamboo shoots as auxiliary materials, making it color look bright red and oily. Besides, it contains a wealth of proteins, vitamins and other nutrients needed by the human body, which can be eaten by people of many classes.
Chestnuts are one of the dried fruits with high carbohydrate content. They can supply more heat energy to the human body and help fat metabolism, which are good for vital energy and spleen, nourishing the stomach and intestine as well.
Ingredients Consumption
Chestnut 180 g
Tofu 300 g
winter bamboo shoots 50 g
bitter melon 50 g
Put the chestnuts into boiling water for 5 minutes then peel. Cut the tofu and bitter melon into small pieces
Fry the tofu in the pan until it turns golden, of course it can also fry in the pan with oil
Add ginger, spring onion and tempeh into the pan, stirring until fragrant. Add tofu and chestnut and stir for a while
Add half a bowl of clear soup, pepper, soy sauce, sugar, and chicken essence, and cook over low heat for 5 minutes
Boil until the juice is dry and add the bitter melon for another 2 minutes.
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