Favorite Health Food for Weight-loss People White Radish and Mushroom Soup
2024-06-29 09:59
Radish is fresh and crispy, and the most common way is to use it for stewing soup. Today we will teach you a refreshing and healthy way to eat with seasonal vegetables and mushrooms: first cut the washed and peeled radish into fine dices and add beech mushrooms, which tastes sweet and tender.
White radish contains mustard oil, amylase and crude fiber, which can promote digestion, increase appetite, accelerate gastrointestinal motility, and relieve cough and phlegm.
Ingredients Consumption
hypsizygus marmoreus 100 g
turnip 300 g
Semen euryales 50 g
Wash and peel the white radish, cut it into 1 cm square pieces and cut the beech mushroom into small pieces
Add oil to a hot pan, sprinkle a little salt, stir-fry the beech mushroom for a while, and boil the broth.
Add the white radish and gorgon fruit, boil again, and simmer over medium-low heat until the radish turns soft
Add a little bit of salt and white pepper to flavor before you finish.
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