Magic Ways to Lose Weight in Spring —Stewed Spring Bamboo Shoots
2024-07-02 09:59
Spring bamboo shoots taste light and tender, rich in nutrition. They contain sufficient moisture, and high content of cellulose. Regular intake of such foods can prevent and treat diseases like the rise level of blood lipids, hypertension, coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes, intestinal cancer and hemorrhoids.
Spring bamboo shoots can nourish yin(an essential concept in the traditional Chinese medicine, an opposite of yang), benefit blood, reduce phlegm, help digestion, promote urine excretion, and improve eyesight. Such foods are sweet, slightly cold, and non-toxic, which could clear away heat and disperse phlegm, benefit Qi and stomach, treat diabetes and are conducive to diaphragm and stomach and so on. And they can be applied to edema, ascites, beriberi, swollen feet, acute nephritis, wheezing, diabetes, thirst and fever, etc.
Ingredients Consumption
Salt 1 g
sugar 2 g
chives 3 g
spring bamboo shoots 400 g
Peel the spring bamboo shoots and remove the roots. Wash and cut them into pieces and blanch them in the boiling water for about 5 minutes.
Heat the oil in a pan, add the pieces and stir fry. Then stir-fry with dark soy sauce, sugar evenly, and add a small amount of water to boil.
Cover it over low heat to simmer for about 10 minutes, add salt, then reduce the juice over medium heat, drizzle with sesame oil and stir fry, then the dish is ready.
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