Fresh Shrimp with Tofu
2024-09-18 09:59
This is a quick soup dish, which can be done in 10 minutes. Whether it is nutrition or taste, it is ok. If you don’t want to eat too oily lately and want to try a refreshing soup, you might as well try this simple, delicious and easy to make shrimp tofu soup
Tofu is a high-nutrient, high-mineral, and low-fat food. It also contains 8 kinds of amino acids, which have the effects of replenishing qi and tonic. These abundant protein help to strengthen the baby's physique. Tofu can also nourish the spleen and stomach, and plays a huge role in improving babies’ poor appetite.
Ingredients Consumption
Salt 3 g
Ginger 5 g
kelp 50 g
Scallion 5 g
Shrimp 100 g
Tofu 300 g
Cut the tofu into long strips, then cut into small squares with a knife, soak the tofu in boiling water with salt, then remove it for later use
Pour oil in the pot, add the peppercorns to fragrant, then remove the peppercorns, add the ginger slices and chopped green onions, stir-fry until aromatic, and then pour boiling water into the pot
Add the kelp and cook for 5 minutes. Add tofu to the soup and simmer
Finally, put in fresh shrimps, cook for 2 minutes until the fresh shrimps turn red, add some salt to season
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