Three diseases are easy to occur in winter. Pay attention to keeping warm in five parts in winter
2021-08-03 22:20

When winter comes, have you got your winter clothes ready? Did you chop your hands on the hand cutting Festival a few days ago? If you have a girlfriend, remember to hold your girlfriend. If you have a boyfriend, remember to hold your boyfriend. It's OK for single Wang to hold a quilt! Xiaobian will share with you the three major diseases prone to occur in winter and pay attention to the warmth preservation of five parts in winter.

Winter prone to three major diseases

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

For patients with hypertension, it is more difficult to control their blood pressure within the normal range in winter than in summer. During climate change, the fluctuation of blood pressure increases, resulting in the increase of cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction. Especially in the middle-aged and elderly, the vascular elasticity itself is worse than that of young people, so the probability of accidents such as intracerebral hemorrhage is higher.

Respiratory diseases

With the advent of winter, the temperature drops sharply. People with weak resistance, such as the elderly and children, are easy to cause colds and fever. Patients with chronic respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchial asthma are also prone to upper respiratory tract infection as the weather turns cold.

Gastrointestinal diseases

The autonomic nerve function of human body will be disordered due to cold stimulation, and then disturb the normal law of gastrointestinal peristalsis. In addition, the increased secretion of gastric juice and various digestive fluids will aggravate the burden of gastrointestinal tract and cause diarrhea, enteritis and other diseases.

In addition, the cold weather and failure to keep warm will aggravate arthritis.



Pay attention to the warmth of 5 parts


Cold wind will not only cause discomfort in the throat at the neck, cough, throat inflammation and other symptoms, but also affect the blood supply to the lungs and brain, leading to bronchial and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Warm measures: wear a scarf when going out.


Do not pay attention to the warmth of the shoulder, especially when the quilt is not covered on the shoulder when sleeping. When you wake up the next day, you will feel that the shoulder is painful and sour. This is the shoulder cold.

Warm keeping measures: when sleeping, the quilt should cover the shoulder and do not wear shoulder clothes.


The stomach, intestines and other digestive organs are concentrated in the abdomen. If you do not pay attention to the protection of the abdomen, it will cause or aggravate gastrointestinal diseases. At the same time, the uterus and ovaries in the lower abdomen catch cold, which is also easy to induce dysmenorrhea and irregular menstruation.

Warm keeping measures: no matter what the weather and indoor temperature are, don't wear clothes with navel exposed. When sleeping, you must cover your abdomen with a quilt.


If you don't pay attention to keeping the knee warm in cold weather, it will lead to muscle contraction near the joint, reduced joint blood supply, joint stiffness, etc., increasing the probability of accidental injury. For a long time, it also increases the burden of the joint and reduces the service life of the joint.

Warm keeping measures: try not to wear clothes that expose your knees, such as short skirts. Even if you want to wear it, you'd better wear thicker stockings.


The foot is called the second heart of the human body. The internal organs of the human body have corresponding reflection areas in the feet. Through stimulation or exercise on the feet, it can play a positive role in the organs of the whole body. On the contrary, if the feet are cold, it can also have a negative impact on the body.

Warm keeping measures: put away the sandals and put on warm shoes, such as cloth shoes, boots, etc. You can also soak your feet in hot water for 30 minutes a day.



Protect the seven organs

When the temperature decreases, the seven organs of blood vessels, heart, lung, stomach, nose, ears and prostate are most afraid of freezing. If you don't pay attention to keeping warm, you have a higher chance of cerebral hemorrhage, angina pectoris or myocardial infarction, respiratory diseases, stomach diseases and other diseases.


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