The harm of women's palace cold to their health should not be underestimated
2019-10-21 09:09

1. Chronic deficiency disease of uterus itself

Causes the feminine uterus palace cold sign. The uterus is the place where menstruation occurs and the fetus is conceived, and it is also the necessary passage for sperm to reach the combination of fallopian tube and egg. The cold of uterus caused by uterine diseases will inevitably affect the normal endocrine of women's reproductive system, and then affect the normal menstruation, cause irregular menstruation, and also affect the normal combination of * * * and egg, making it impossible to form fertilized egg. It also affects the normal growth and development of fertilized eggs after implantation. So as to affect the normal conception and fertility.

2. Chronic deficiency disease of fallopian tube

(such as long-term obstruction, unobstructed passage, adhesions, hydrops, gas accumulation, distortion, inflammation, etc.) it is also easy to lead to disharmony and low function of the fallopian tube, or even the fallopian tube completely loses its normal function, so it is easy to have the uterine cold caused by the factors of fallopian tube diseases. The fallopian tube is the place where the egg and the egg meet and combine. Under normal circumstances, the combined fertilized egg helps the fertilized egg move from the fallopian tube to the uterine cavity through the peristalsis of the fallopian tube.

Due to the decline of the function of the fallopian tube itself, the function of picking up "egg" at the end of the fallopian tube (umbrella part) and the normal peristalsis of the fallopian tube, the cold of the uterus caused by the factors of fallopian tube diseases are inevitably affected. As a result, the egg cannot be well combined with the egg, or even can not be combined to form a fertilized egg, or can not pass through the fallopian tube normally. Peristalsis will transport the fertilized eggs to the uterine cavity, which will inevitably affect the normal conception and fertility.

3. Chronic diseases of ovary

(especially such diseases as ovarian dysplasia, ovarian dysfunction, follicular dysplasia, egg dysplasia, polycystic ovary syndrome, premature ovarian failure, ovulation disorder, hypofunction, etc.) are most likely to lead to the decline of women's reproductive function, and the imbalance of women's endocrine function, resulting in women's palace cold. The ovary is the main gonadal organ of women, and its main function is ovulation. Egg and female hormone are the normal reproductive and endocrine functions of ovary.

The cold of uterus caused by many diseases of ovary not only directly leads to the decline of normal reproductive function of ovary, but also has a direct impact on the normal function of the whole female reproductive system, thus leading to the decline of the overall function of the reproductive system.

The traditional Chinese medicine says that the uterus is damaged and the warm Qi is insufficient. The deficiency of kidney qi and cold is the truth. The low function caused by the cold of the ovary directly affects the normal ovulation function of the ovary, affects the normal endocrine function of the ovary, causes ovulation disorder, or does not ovulate, promotes the decrease of the hormone level of the female, thus affects the normal menstruation and affects the normal conception of the female. Education.

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