Who is not suitable for Yoga? I didn't know until today!
2021-08-03 18:34

  yogaIt belongs to an itemmotionMany people are yoga lovers. Regular yoga practice can make the bones softer, improve the physical quality and achieve the effect of self-cultivationfemale sexIn order to lose weight, I will also choose to practice yoga, but not everyone is suitable for yoga. Some people practice yoga is not only bad, but also harmful to their health. Who is not suitable for Yoga?

People with severe calcium deficiency are advised not to practice yoga

ProfessionalyogaThe teacher said that generally speaking, people with serious calcium deficiency are not recommended to practice yoga. Although some people have calcium deficiency and have improved after practicing yoga, their calcium deficiency habits are not very serious. Human bones with serious calcium deficiency have begun to brittle. If they choose to practice yoga at this time, It is very easy to cause all kinds of trauma. Therefore, it is recommended that this kind of people do not participate in yoga training. If they like yoga, they can carry out some relatively simple actions, and too difficult actions are not suitable.

Prominent waist disc is not suitable for yoga

A middle-aged man of about fortyfemale sex, many people have serious bone diseases, especially lumbar disc herniation and bone spur, which are very obvious. These symptoms also suggest that people's bones have undergone certain lesions. For these patients who have serious bone lesions, they should not practice as much as possibleyogaWell, Yoga not only has no benefits for these patients, but may lead to the continuous aggravation of lumbar disc herniation, and finally can only spend the rest of their life in a wheelchair. Therefore, when choosing exercise methods, we should first consider our own physical condition.

People with strong bones are not suitable for yoga

PracticeyogaIn fact, it should be selective. Some people's bones are very hard. They often feel pain in the process of practicing yoga. Men are sometimes even blue and purple. These people with excellent bones do not have much benefit in practicing yoga. They can choose other exercise methods to improve their physical quality. Sometimes yoga is not necessarily the most suitable of all exercise methodsfemale sexYes, you can choose what is really suitable for your physiquemotionMethods to achieve the final effect, which is the real healthy exercise.

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