Heat-relieving and Healthy Meatball Soup with White Radish
2024-06-26 09:58
Spring is coming, and the weather is still a bit chilly. Most adults and children will cough slightly. At this time, eating some radishes can moisten lungs. Meatball soup with white radish is suitable for adults and children
White radish contains mustard oil, amylase and crude fiber, which can promote digestion, increase appetite, accelerate gastrointestinal motility, and relieve cough and phlegm
Ingredients Consumption
turnip 500 g
egg 50 g
meat stuffing 200 g
add eggs, starch, pepper, etc. into the meat stuffing and stir well
shred the white radish for later use
take part of the white radish and add it into the meat stuffing to make meatballs
fry the white radish and add water
add meatballs after boiling and season
you can also add noodles into the soup to eat
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