The Healthy Drink That is Super Easy to Make Longan Water
2024-06-30 09:58
Longan can cure long-term insomnia, high myopia, frequent dizziness, top-heavy and headache. It also can improve people’s intelligence. The easiest way is to drink Longan water, although the method is simple, but the effect is very powerful!
Longan is warm and sweet, good for the heart and spleen, nourishs vital energy and blood, and has good nourishing effects. It can be used for symptoms such as insomnia, forgetfulness, palpitation, dizziness caused by heart and spleen deficiency and insufficient in the vitality and blood.
Ingredients Consumption
Water 500 ml
Longan 200 g
peel the dried longan and wash for later use
put the peeled longan meat(with core) in the pot and cook for 15 minutes
pour out the cooked longan water and drink it after cooling down
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