Nice and Healthy Steamed Pumpkin Rice
2024-07-01 09:58
There are many ways to cook pumpkin, such as steaming, boiling, stir-frying, baking, but today we will teach you a new method. That called steamed pumpkin rice, a small one, very full, without meat is a complete vegetarian diet.
Pumpkin polysaccharide is a non-specific immune enhancer, which can improve the body’s immune function, promote the production of cytokines, and exert multiple regulating functions on the immune system by ways like activating complement.
Ingredients Consumption
Pumpkin 2 pcs
Corn 50 g
Pork 200 g
shiitakes 30 g
peas 30 g
Prepare all materials
Dice the pork and shiitakes. Heat the oil in the pan, fry the pork first, add diced shiitakes, stir-fry them before stewing, and remove for later use
Wash the peas and corn kernels, blanch in water, and stir-fry in the pan. Remove for later use
Wash the rice, mix well with all the ingredients, and put them into the hollowed chestnut pumpkin
Steam for 50 minutes
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