Health in Spring Healthy Soup Made of Tangerine Peel and Pigeon
2024-07-03 09:58
As the saying goes "0.03kg tangerine peel equals to 0.03kg gold, while the century-old tangerine peel has higher value than the gold". The Xinhui tangerine peel main role is to benefit the vital energy and spleen, clear dampness and dispel phlegm. Such tangerine peel contains volatile oil, which can promote the stomach, an essential organ of four properties and five tastes. And it also can be used for treating various diseases, for example, you can use it to boil water or make soup.
The nutritional value of pigeons is extremely high. It is both a precious and delicious dish, and an advanced tonic. Pigeon meat is a high-protein, low-fat food with a protein content of 24.47%. At the same quality, it contains higher content of minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, and vitamins A, B, and E than chicken, fish, beef, and mutton.
Ingredients Consumption
Red dates 20 g
Longan 20 g
Dried tangerine peel 20 g
Wolfberry 20 g
pigeon 500 g
Prepare all the materials, soak the tangerine peel in hot water for a while
Scrape off the white part of the tangerine peel
Put ingredients into the saucepan
Add moderate amount of water and simmer for 15 minutes, then turn to medium heat for 90 minutes
Add appropriate amount salt
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