The first choice of immunity-improving soup in spring—stew chicken soup with carrot and mushroom
2024-07-04 09:57
Drinking soup is a must-do for your health every season, because soup is both nutritious and nourishing, and it is the first choice for health. The deliciousness of chicken plus the natural sweetness of carrots, coupled with the unique fragrance of Xiangru's(thinleaf glossogyne herb)unique nutritional value, is the best taste
The active ingredients in mushrooms are dissolved in the soup, which can improve the absorption rate of the human body; the chicken soup itself can also improve the immunity of the respiratory system; the lignin in carrots could also enhance the body's immunity and indirectly eliminate cancer cells, which can be described as a three-in-one
Ingredients Consumption
Carrot 100 g
Wolfberry 5 g
shiitakes 50 g
three yellow chicken 750 g
Put the chicken in cold water, add a little cooking wine and water, pick it up and rinse it again. Soak the mushrooms in warm water and rinse. Put the mushrooms, chicken, and ginger together in the inner pot of the rice cooker, pour enough water at one time, and cook for an hour and a half
Put the cleaned carrots and cook for another 10 minutes
Put the cleaned wolfberries and cook for another 10 minutes
Season with salt
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